Her first editing job grew out of part time work for Simon & Schuster.
In the print paper, too, often a late-breaking story gets a quicker editing job as we rush to put it into the first edition.
There were bouts of unemployment and a series of small editing jobs.
There was obviously another editing job to be done on my answers before the Central Committee got a look at them.
Soon she will quit her editing job and go to work in advertising.
Within two hours I had finished the editing job.
Soon enough, however, he got an editing job in New York, and they resumed their relationship.
But even if you need this tool only occasionally, when the day arrives, it can make almost impossible editing jobs practically effortless.
Months later, the editing job vanished, and he has now six months before his unemployment insurance expires.
Captain Johnson had done a great editing job, which is why Starkweather would have to be careful in the coming months.