The film's editing style has been strongly praised and is considered highly influential.
Other editing styles can show a reversal of time or even an abandonment of it altogether.
Mr. Galassi's editing style sounds a little like therapy.
Clips are shown from many groundbreaking films with innovative editing styles.
His editing style is somberly reserved, placing emphasis on the content of an image.
Blaming the editing style and/or the interviewee as the blame of the backlash.
Lasn had just returned from Japan, and brought "avant-garde" editing styles.
But these dated elements seem at odds with the film's modern feel, which flows from its camera-savvy subjects and sleek editing style.
The Up series has been criticised by both ethnographers and the subjects themselves for its editing style.
Fast cutting is an editing style that can make a difference in emotional impact of a film on the audience.