The physicians hoped to achieve two goals that would make their new educational paradigm unique from what already existed in the field of anesthesia.
We need a new educational paradigm in which the personal, and subsequently the inspirational, are the primary focus of sound education.
The institution hired 262 new professors in 4 years; added clinical and basic science departments; and completely revamped the medical curriculum to meet changing educational paradigms.
The college curriculum, pedagogy and style are reminiscent of the classical educational paradigm.
Advocates champion eco-literacy as a new educational paradigm emerging around the poles of holism, systems thinking, sustainability, and complexity.
One reason was the concern about the pervasiveness of American popular culture and the other was the education system-driven necessity of contexts for new educational paradigms.
The nominee's ability to develop educational paradigms that create and develop engineering leadership skills and attitudes.
It switches the educational paradigm from consumers of content to producers of educational experiences that will be reviewed by their peers and beyond.
Although MCA itself was a short-lived institution, it was the testing ground for a new educational paradigm that took off very rapidly.
It became a major educational paradigm of the late 1980s and the 1990s.