Discovery agents which are not a substrate for efflux pump or modifications of drugs in toward lower affinity to transporting proteins.
A. baumannii is known to have two major efflux pumps which decrease its susceptibility to antimicrobials.
Some components of membranes play a key role in medicine, such as the efflux pumps that pump drugs out of a cell.
Antibiotics can act as inducers and regulators of the expression of some efflux pumps.
Bacteria usually acquire resistance to tetracycline from horizontal transfer of a gene that either encodes an efflux pump or a ribosomal protection protein.
The TetA protein is an efflux pump.
Thiomers are able to reversibly inhıbit efflux pumps.
P-glycoprotein is the best-studied efflux pump and as such has offered important insights into the mechanism of bacterial pumps.
The bacteria also increased the expression of a multidrug efflux pump.
Some types of efflux pumps can act to decrease intracellular quinolone concentration.