Not long after this, prices fell still further and large numbers of egg farmers left the business.
Anger from egg farmers as at least 150,000 hens are still in illegal battery cages.
He and Sylvia are almost run off the road by her father, an egg farmer who has found religion.
State laws provide no sanctions against egg farmers who improperly manage their manure.
A simple egg farmer from rural Japan who gives Kamimura a lift, and a few words of wisdom.
The driver, an egg farmer named Masayuki, makes some smalltalk, while passing on an important message.
A craggy old egg farmer named Harlan gets pulled in as well.
When Wal-Mart sells eggs, they make a profit off the egg farmer.
For years, its dairy and egg farmers and the small merchants serving them had a common bond: agriculture.
It is not time to play chicken with the egg farmers.