Which is a fair description of New York State's electoral machinery, particularly in close races.
Convention supporters, in contrast, had no electoral machinery to call on.
In 1860 the Democrat-controlled legislature took back the city police, the militia, patronage, and the electoral machinery, and prosecuted some Know-Nothings for electoral fraud.
At that time, the Conservative Party did not have any formal electoral machinery to choose a new leader, and The Queen acted on the advice of government ministers.
Control over electoral and legislative machinery provided the basis for a permanent dictatorship.
O'Brien urged the development of electoral machinery.
The Senate's election reform bill is a fitting federal response to the public's widespread outrage at the breakdown of the electoral machinery in the 2000 presidential election.
For the plebiscite, Chile has reinstated the quasi-independent electoral machinery that functioned well during the decades of democracy before the 1973 military coup.
Inevitably, the burden of proof is on the Government and the ruling Democratic Justice Party because they control the electoral machinery.
Because the Sandinistas controlled the electoral machinery and the opposition was splintered, Ortega's landslide victory was never in doubt.