Officers stormed the elite regiment's closely guarded HQ after complaints about music booming from behind the razor wire.
I really don't know how he came to be there at all in such an elite regiment.
Others, such as the Großdeutschland Division, were built up over the course of the war by repeatedly augmenting the size of an elite regiment or battalion.
He attended Harrow school from 1808 to 1811, leaving to take up a commission in the elite regiment of the Coldstream Guards.
During the Seven Years' War, the elite regiments of the army were almost entirely composed of native Prussians.
The Grenadiers - formerly an elite regiment in the British armed forces - are the Warden's private army.
Prior to that, Sarakenopoulos had been commander of the elite regiment (tagma) of the Hikanatoi.
The Observer newspaper published a lengthy investigation which claimed that there was substantial discrimination by elite regiments against potential black recruits.
Their shields were matched, some dappled, some black, others red, while a few of the elite regiments carried pure white ones.
It was meant to be an elite regiment.