Some city agencies have also turned to technology to make their operations more open to scrutiny, and safeguard against embarrassing lapses.
The White House and the F.B.I. blamed each other last week for the embarrassing lapse.
It was an embarrassing lapse for a company whose first business was motorcycles and considers the United States its most important foreign market.
And he had thought so even before those embarrassing lapses of memory had set in.
The announcement suggested an embarrassing - and potentially scandalous - lapse of security by Georgian officials and the Secret Service.
The Mets also had an embarrassing mental lapse on defense.
Staff members offstage from the holo pickup cameras could signal their man, giving him necessary cues, so that he did not suffer embarrassing lapses.
The State Department, whose decades-old resistance to security measures resulted in embarrassing lapses that involved spies and the thefts of documents, has noticeably stepped up security.
And both were inattentive on defense during some embarrassing lapses over the past three games.
Many lawmakers had criticized practices at the F.B.I. after a series of embarrassing lapses.