Whether these employee reductions will actually take place though, is also questionable.
Company executives made it clear from the outset that the reorganization would lead to employee reductions, but they offered few clues about the future.
Those include employee reductions, wage and benefit cuts, a reduction in the airline's fleet and other moves.
"Some solutions could include employee reductions through attrition or selectively shutting down production of some models for a limited time," he said.
According to CEO Härter, there is no need for further employee reduction.
We have had a number of major companies with significant employee reductions.
But there will be no employee reductions at Entertainment Weekly and Sports Illustrated for Kids, the two newest Time Inc. publications.
In the prior five years there was an employee reduction of about 12 percent.
But she would not be specific about employee reductions, saying only that there might be "opportunities to do some consolidation" but that they would not be "significant numbers."
Restructuring costs of £1,064 million before tax were largely a result of the provisions for employee reductions and asset write-downs announced at the end of the second quarter of 1992.