Some documents, including complex engineering diagrams, can consume more than a megabyte of memory space.
A headset and wraparound mike lay on one of them, next to a compad displaying pencil-sketch engineering diagrams.
The agents left with boxes of engineering diagrams and other records related to the firm's work for Crestwood.
"We need overhead satellite shots of both mosques as detailed as possible along with any engineering diagrams, floor plans, layouts or whatever else you can locate."
"If they cannot supply us with a part, they supply us with an engineering diagram," he said.
Also, the turnaround time is minimal as it only involves software interpretation on the imported engineering diagram of the part.
He based his story on comprehensive engineering diagrams and calculations, which he included in an appendix to the manuscript.
Beyond the pictures of Jemmy, there were several pages of what looked like engineering diagrams.
Seismic Design Manual: The illustrated guide includes narratives about metal building systems, examples of realistic design situations, engineering diagrams and code commentary.
Word processing files, spreadsheets, accounting, payroll, engineering diagrams, it depends on what's critical to the business.