Similarly, the creation of what he called one of the engineering marvels of the world in the 19th century was visionary.
When it was built in 1869, it was thought to be one of the engineering marvels of the Victorian age.
Our weapons may be engineering marvels, but sending our citizens to kill and be killed is still barbaric.
Her coiffures were engineering marvels worthy of architectural study.
These engineering marvels radically altered the 19th-century urban environment and the daily lives of people.
These engineering marvels boing-boing out of the dashboard on either side of the glove box - often when you don't want them to.
It has performed engineering marvels never attempted before.
Some of the equipment that provided the power were such engineering marvels that they are at the Smithsonian Institution.
In our effort to learn from Sept. 11, however, we should not overlook the fact that the twin towers were engineering marvels.
Humans now command self-replicating machines that create engineering marvels on enormous scales.