Its primary mission is faculty, students, and industry professionals dedicated to solving complex technological problems and developing the competitive technologist and applied engineering workforce.
Her current research focuses on immigration and innovation in the United States, the U.S. science and engineering workforce, and the 2008-2009 recession in Germany.
In this way, engineering students would, theoretically, be better prepared to enter the engineering workforce.
Instead of entering the engineering workforce after earning his degree, DeLorean sold life insurance, and later worked for the Factory Equipment Corporation.
He pointed to a 'desperate need to educate the population better' and said that in the first half of the Eighties the engineering workforce fell by a third and the number of graduates employed increased by half.
Women constitute over half of the college students in the nation, but represent a little more than one-quarter of our science and engineering workforce.
The workforce remains as the area of highest under representation for women; only 11% of the engineering workforce in 2003 were women.
As a result of this,today the German industry's engineering workforce is propelled by students of the Hochschule.
MCEP, abbreviation for Meralco Cadet Engineers Program, is a training program ran by the Manila Electric Company to fill their engineering workforce.