"Candidates usually don't issue such plans because of the enormous turmoil and complaints they would cause, especially from the elderly."
The Turner Broadcasting System is starting Turner Classic Movies, or TCM, at a time of enormous turmoil in the cable industry.
Ten years before the first film, there was a period of enormous political turmoil.
Many of the early samples were collected by police officials during weeks of backbreaking workloads and enormous emotional turmoil.
But by the end of that decade, the company was in enormous financial turmoil after being bested by Nokia and other rivals as cellular networks shifted to digital technology.
This was also a time of great enormous political turmoil in the Indian subcontinent.
The untimely death of Sherman created enormous turmoil since there was no clear succession for company leadership.
"If the capital markets close down in a business that is hugely capital intensive, then there is enormous turmoil until they can get costs in line with revenues," she said.
It left behind an empty treasury, an undisciplined army and navy, and enormous domestic turmoil.
She survived enormous turmoil with indomitable spirit and lived to see her family grow and prosper in a new land.