Nonetheless, the moment arrives when the entire swarm takes to the air, and, somehow, all the bees go in the right direction to the new site.
That was also probably why there was one lonely mosquito whining through the hot shade of the road canyon and not an entire swarm.
The particles are always drawn back both to their own personal best positions and also to the best position of the entire swarm.
Given enough time, it would grow large enough to devour the entire swarm.
"More than likely there was an entire swarm of these things that took over this ship, but they must die when they lay their eggs."
The entire swarm swept after Geraden, ignoring her completely.
It was the entity, of course, perhaps the entire swarm of entities.
The entire swarm of bats swooped down, each picking up what gems its feet could hold and flying away toward the water.
Then the entire swarm of them pelted toward the fortress.
In moments the entire swarm had flapped away, leaving the goblins nothing to fight except a few tired vampires.