Liability is an especially thorny question for the airlines, because New York has liberal blame-laying laws that they want the federal government to pre-empt.
Mr. Hicks, though, is also a special, and especially thorny, case - a citizen of one of the United States' closest allies.
The aesthestic issues were especially thorny.
Far more rarely, large and especially thorny shrubs are used for nesting.
What makes the situation especially thorny is that Jack is married to Hank's closest confidante, Tibby, a professional partygoer and perfectly groomed clotheshorse.
Indeed, the question of what to do about Indian Point has become an especially thorny one.
The issues involving disability are especially thorny.
The taggants was an especially thorny issue.
What makes it especially thorny, Dawn said, is that "independence starts in middle school, and it's not the cool thing to be with your parents a lot.
The trial could provide legal guidance in an especially thorny issue.