Salamis Naval Base has established close ties with the local community.
Some say the trust has not established a strong connection with the community or the National Park Service.
Through confidential contacts that their positions enabled them to establish with the scientific community, they set up the project at a remote location in Brazil.
Instead, it is about establishing relationship with the community and improving the quality of the environment.
In Flushing, we've established a partnership with the community to build an even more dramatic and entrepreneurial business district.
He has established a bond with the community.
"The crime team has established such a trust with the community that can't be taken away," he said of the Queens squad.
Much to its credit, the lab has established a very open dialogue with the community and embarked on a concerted program of environmental remediation.
To establish a strong communication network within the association and with the legal community.
The Bobos have established a strong relationship with the local community outside of Bobo Hill and often invite people to their services.