Davenport found that ethanol solutions with a concentration above 10% produced mucosal damage.
Sections were deparaffinised by treatment with xylene overnight, rehydrated through a series of graded ethanol solutions and washed with distilled water.
The ethanol solutions act to differentiate the stain, causing myelin and other components to lose color whereas perikarya retain the color.
The bees are fed ethanol solutions and their behavior observed.
The bis(azide) was isolated and then reduced by passage of through a boiling ethanol solution.
Most current gasoline-powered automobiles can safely run up to a 15% ethanol solution without any modification.
Where the specific gravity of the sample is close to that of water (for example dilute ethanol solutions) the correction is even smaller.
NaOH in ethanol solution is prepared by vigorous stirring with 50 C, and then added to prepared zinc acetate in ethanol at room temperature.
The process uses aqueous ethanol solutions (40-60% v/v) to delignify wood at temperatures from 180-210 C and 2-3.5MPa.
In a key experiment he used a prism to isolate ultraviolet radiation from sunlight and observed blue light emitted by an ethanol solution of quinine exposed by it.