We exercised the exit clause in our contract.
The Treaty of Lisbon introduced an exit clause for members who wish to withdraw from the Union.
But in March, Sportservice exercised the exit clause in its contract.
There is even an exit clause so that a member state can secede from the union if it chooses.
Ideally, when drawing up the contract, you will have agreed an exit clause that minimises what you have to pay.
Many wives feel chained to their earning power and angry that they have somehow engineered a life without an exit clause.
Investment bankers are committed to the new rights offering, although they have a limited number of exit clauses.
Typically, an exit clause is triggered in situations where a business partnership has severely deteriorated, and so the situation is often likened to a divorce.
And, for our opponents, the exit clause may also be quite important.
The treaty introduces an exit clause for members who wish to withdraw from the Union.