He has an exit package worth roughly $18 million including stock and options if Dime is sold.
A tax of 20 percent kicks in when an executive's exit package exceeds 2.99 times his or her average annual pay over the last five years.
Yesterday, details of his $210 million exit package were released.
Still, he conceded that the $210 million exit package was something "we would have preferred not happen."
There would be an obligation to highlight notice periods for executives that were longer than a year, and substantial exit packages.
It also provided a generous exit package if he was forced out.
Many executives negotiate their exit packages to keep the perk as long as possible.
Finally, Kevin offers someone an exit package, to start up their own business.
The exit package does not have to be taken; however, the package cannot be offered again.
Those are some of the recent exit packages for departing executives.