Barney elaborates on the procedure he uses to test out his plays on women, which includes an exit survey.
The use of exit surveys is at the crux of the criticism of the networks.
Special events, pools, ice instruction and golf programs use exit surveys to assess public attitudes.
I also immediately canceled my subscription to the parenting Web site which, in turn, sent me an exit survey to ask why I had canceled.
Based on exit surveys in California and vote tabulations elsewhere, Mr. Bush was leading the race for delegates in the major states, falling short only in New England.
The CIRP data comes from three main surveys, one for incoming freshman, another given after the completion of the first year, and a final exit survey for graduating seniors.
Each year, OPHS faculty conduct a senior exit survey which keeps track of what each matriculating student plans on doing after high school.
At the end of the Live Help session you will be presented with an optional exit survey and an opportunity to have a transcript sent to you via email.
Without exit surveys, experts were left guessing about voters' hopes.
Q. What's the purpose of exit surveys on election nights?