He has worked as an invited expert reviewer for the European Union and for the Irish government.
The user may rate the quality of these reviews, and choose to work with a particular expert reviewer.
Journals depend heavily on expert reviewers to weed out papers of poor quality.
Their expert reviewers deemed the findings important enough to publish but somehow missed the fraud underlying them.
An expert reviewer may also be asked to participate in the government review organized within his or her own country.
Submission collectors may seek the help of expert reviewers or judges in such cases.
The editors of each journal have said that the expert reviewers who scrutinize submitted manuscripts could not be expected to detect fabricated data.
The flurry of episodes has led many people to ask why authors, editors and independent expert reviewers all failed to detect the problems before publication.
Scientific journals try to impose order on the turbulent flow of new claims by having expert reviewers assess their merit.
Once the Recording Academy receives the nominations, expert reviewers organize them.