Both sides acknowledge that the relocated Inuit were not given sufficient support to prevent extreme privation during their first years after the move.
What lay before them was either freedom or long prison terms, which, they knew, would most likely include torture and extreme privation.
They discovered it could also be induced by shock of an emotional nature, and also by extreme privation, as well as by blows and drugs.
Yet, barring situations of medical abnormality or extreme privation, all the children in a given speech-community converge on very much the same grammar by the age of about five years.
Brady was living in conditions of extreme privation as death or disaster scattered many of his helpers.
They came to depression years after enduring extreme privation.
It was incredibly strong, and capable of enduring extreme privation, great amounts of pain and excessive bodily damage.
Fifteen percent of the recently increased EU population is affected by poverty, and 9% live in long-term and extreme privation.
The expectations he brought with him on his first visit in his late 20's were quickly shattered; he faced extreme privation while composing "The Flying Dutchman."
Meanwhile, the nation is restive as years of extreme privation and repression roll on.