He said the company still hoped to expand by setting up offices in Asia to facilitate round-the-clock trading.
On one hand, they help bookmakers minimize risk by facilitating trading with parity or balancing the amount of wagering on each side of the match.
Trappers and Snake Indians camped alongside each other to facilitate trading.
Black markets flourished during this period, with the African guards helping to facilitate trading.
Either by voice over the telephone or electronically, a broker matches buy and sell offers anonymously, facilitating trading in the Treasury market.
Providing liquidity in the market so as to facilitate trading of funds.
The advent of Internet technology has made alternative forms of exchange more viable, according to one report, as databases can keep account of credits and facilitate trading.
During the mid 1980's, a major bank attempted to develop electronic procedures to facilitate trading in North Sea crude oil with the support of a centralized registry.
Lessig voices similar outrage over the legal decisions this year that shut down Napster, the service that facilitated trading of MP3 music files.
A credit exchange is where a third party such as a person, organization, or website, facilitates trading.