His ears caught a sweet chiming noise, and a moment later a warm rush fell over his body.
Feel your muscles clench and then release, how they're lying on the bed, how the covers fall over your body.
Halfway to the door, he nearly fell over Sinistrad's body.
It quickly turned to horror as she rounded the corner and almost fell over the security guard's body.
She flung herself aside to avoid the body as it collapsed on top of her, and fell over the Witchfinder's body.
He felt sure he could feel it settling in a thick mist falling into his hair and all over his body.
Wally, who heard the gunshot, walks into the shop and falls over the man's dead body.
A shadow had fallen over the young man's body.
Weems took a step back and promptly fell over Leandro's body.
The dead man fell over Paul's body and warmed him.