When you've got a Lucie Rie pot on your table, or near you, you always feel slightly shabby.
She felt suddenly shabby and plain-and on very shaky ground.
Dany felt shabby and barbaric as she rode past them in her lionskin robe with black Drogon on one shoulder.
I feel shabby and disgraced.... I ought never to have thought of it.
It is we would feel shabby and ashamed and maybe, with our clammy, putty-colored bodies, repulsive!
I felt shabby and fraudulent as I said it.
Festival gowns like that would make them feel very shabby, so we usually do not dress up at all for the women's dances.
I went ashore in my rakish clothes, feeling shabby and dishevelled in spite of their stylish fit.
But I feel so shabby.
Lucille suddenly felt very shabby and uncomfortable.