But the ones who spoke up said working for a female boss would be no big deal.
But the Governor, the biggest female political boss in the state, took a plane here.
Sounds cowardly but I had same problem and after 2 years was dismissed by a similar female boss.
A space pirate led by a female boss (her real name is unknown and she loves a young man).
Some 71 percent of female bosses said they needed to "work harder" or "be smarter" than a man to get the same respect.
For example women's dislike of female bosses is consistent with Goldberg's theory".
Marty is perfectly comfortable with both a female boss and a female friend.
In the other one, he played the role of an office-accountant who, after being insulted by his female boss, took revenge.
The Female Boss has received generally negative reviews from contemporary music critics.
He is having an affair with his female boss, and in general seems to despise women and relationships.