Plans have been made to fight gangs at 15 other housing authority buildings in the coming year, with the same tenant policies to follow.
He's walked in neighborhoods where ordinary people are doing extraordinary things to fight gangs and drugs, refusing to give into thugs, to thieves.
The Syrian government says it is fighting armed gangs and that hundreds of members of the security forces have been killed as well.
Street gangs continue to exist (and fight other gangs) inside prison walls.
Pentagon officials also seem to think that Latin American armies might play a greater role in fighting criminal gangs.
It plays a critical role in fighting violent crime, illegal drugs, vicious gangs and gun violence.
It's a beat 'em up with a Western flavor: you'll be fighting gangs of thugs across dusty plains and in dingy bars.
His pastime is to fight whole gangs; to down them single-handed.
The police are reported to use them to fight gangs that smuggle cars into Cambodia.
He has made safety his top priority, promising to overhaul the Police Department and fight gangs in schools.