A tall figure clad entirely in black.
He seemed to shimmer, a figure clad in red with deep black eyes.
A small figure clad in white lace.
A female figure clad in an overcoat and a head scarf.
I rushed forward, and at that moment the door opened and a dark figure clad in black rushed out the door.
Alone - a tall figure clad in black - he was standing guard above the bodies of those who flung themselves to this attack.
Before him stood a figure no taller than himself, clad in armor so old it predated the Cataclysm.
He opened the cab door and stepped out, a figure clad in immaculate evening clothes.
The figure before me was short but exquisitely proportioned, and clad in somewhat formal dress of perfect cut and fit.
Suddenly he shone, a small gallant figure clad in mithril like an elf-prince.