Such figures corresponded to 635 tonnes of fine gold, or 20.42 million troy ounces.
Thus a 0 figure corresponds in height with a paysage 1 and a marine 2.
This figure corresponds to 10.6 million tons handled by the member branches.
These figures correspond to an average of more than 100 deaths and 200 casualties per week in a population of 2,000,000.
These figures correspond to the five points of the inverted star.
Those figures correspond to 3375, 3377, and 3376 pounds.
This figure corresponds to the spending limit for candidates for the general election.
This figure can be taken as an official minimum and corresponds to Brazilian consular estimates.
These accounts sometimes mention a "white light", and helpful figures corresponding to that person's religious tradition.
This figure more or less corresponds to quantities produced in the 1999 and 2000 financial years.