When Mr. Gordon moved a violin up an octave, the aural imagery changed completely: now the figure evoked whale song.
The female figure evokes contained melancholy that can be perceived subtly; her pose hides much of the inner world of the character.
Others, like Abstract Expressionism, use outer-worldly figures and colors to evoke an emotional response.
Certainly the central figure here evokes Brecht's Mother Courage.
The problem with most statuary is that neither the figures nor the remarks under them evoke much conversation.
In 1996 his figure evoked many controversies because his embroidery firm has falsified trade marks of Adidas and Nike.
A melancholy figure doomed to do evil deeds so he can live for all eternity, the vampire evokes sympathy - even empathy.
Near the end of her book she does raise questions - "What dialectic requires that the small humorous figure evoke its opposite?"
Few public figures in the US raise evoke such visceral reactions as Mr Trump.
Yet once the viewer looks closely, her curvaceous figure evokes a womanly power only enhanced by the deep black of her skin.