The figures flowed into a graphic grid, highlighting the target vessels.
Aelliana interrupted, the figures flowing, bright and perfect, before her mind's eye.
Meanwhile a wraithlike figure flowed out of the trees to take a place beside his head.
The figure of mist flowed to the stallion's back.
Indigo figures out that water is the exclusion to the barrier spell as the river can flow in, so transformed into ice versions of themselves, they are able to escape.
Two-party preferred figures are calculated based on preference flows at the previous state election.
The figure flowed and shrank like hot wax, reshaping itself into a bulletheaded, pot-bellied, unshaven seven-foot ogre with warts and a harelip.
Many figures flowed through the shadows.
Again the mists parted and the awesome cloaked figure of Shaithis flowed out of them.
Give him the faintest hint of any speculation, and the figures flowed from him by the page.