The figure halted close by Travis, stood for a time, and then, bending, bit Travis's face.
As he entered his study the cloaked shape of The Shadow was close behind him, but the gliding figure halted outside the door.
Six figures halted in varied and assorted attitudes.
A dark figure strode forward and halted us.
The tall figure halted only a yard or so from Philip Owen.
The first figure had halted, was hooking an arm toward her, repeatedly, to spur her to even greater haste.
The leading figure halted several paces from the captain, stood at attention and saluted briskly.
Two familiar figures came out of the shadows just beyond the gate and halted the elderly chauffeur.
From behind the mansion, two figures on horseback were halting to look upward as they came along a bridle path.
A fifth figure entered the room and halted on the small platform.