Green-fustian leapt; the two figures hurtled, rolled, separated, joined and clasped.
A figure hurtled over the end of the counter.
Then a figure in overalls hurtled toward the blond giant, an ax held threateningly.
While back in the waste shaft, two more figures were already on their way, hurtling downward through the darkness.
I didn't have a chance to cry out when the dark figure hurtled across the path.
A large figure appeared high in the sky and hurtled like an out-of-control missile toward the streets be- low.
Sure enough, the dark figures of three aircraft were hurtling towards them, coming in low over the sea.
The two figures hurtled clean out of view behind rocks.
Sprawling, two figures hurtled to the dried grass beside the bridle path.
At the same time a figure darted from the shadows and hurtled itself at the Firbolg's side.