The figures are interacting in an illusionistically expanded space.
The figure can interact with ramps, a truck and a wall.
This new consciousness is most explicit where two figures interact.
Though the figures of the two inner scenes face each other, and interact by gaze and gesture, they are set in different backgrounds.
In each, two elemental figures or parts of figures interact; a little man, for example, balances on the shoulders of a big, headless woman in "I Could Feel the Current Beneath My Feet" (Johnson).
Historical figures such as Lincoln Steffens, Jacob Riis, Anthony Comstock, and J. Pierpont Morgan appear briefly in the novel and interact with the fictional characters.
The two-dimensional figures interact seamlessly with three-dimensional computer-generated surroundings that are richly colored and loaded with intriguing gadgetry.
By contrast, in "Venetian Pleasures" more than a dozen figures, actors and masqueraders vivaciously, even frantically, interact, their bodies forming a solid arabesque curve, like a garland of flowers.
The grain and figure of the wood interact with the shape of the piece to make interesting visual and tactile effects.
As the fiction takes place in the past, and historical figures interact with the plot, Callirhoe may be understood as the first historical novel; it was later imitated by Xenophon of Ephesus and Heliodorus of Emesa, among others.