This report, which omits such factors as military sales and the cost of shipping, confirms parallel figures issued on a monthly basis.
The market went up, they could tell you why in the next edition: "Market rose on strength of new figures issued by War Graves Commission."
A shadowy figure issued from the doorway - loomed over him as, rubbing one elbow, he got himself into a kneeling position.
According to the latest figures issued by the government, one in 12 music fans have been scammed online when they've bought live events tickets.
Official Japanese figures issued in the late 1990s state the total number of people killed as a result of this attack exceeded 100,000.
According to figures issued by the Brown campaign, the flat income tax would in effect be progressive because of the deductions.
It is this figure, issued from meditations on the Hebrew scriptures, that "appeared" in visions to the witnesses mentioned by Paul.
What seemed like a stream of white-coated figures issued from the defile at the far end of Middlevale and poured into the flat plain.
The official figures issued by the i.w.c. are bad enough - but they do not, by any means, tell the whole story.
They kill or maim someone, almost always a civilian, every 22 minutes, according to figures issued by the Red Cross.