That figure exceeded the range of previous estimates by 12 to 40 percent and led to long waiting lists.
How could he know that this terrible figure out of the past was leading him to freedom?
These figures lead universities to hold out hope that, in time, women will move into the most senior positions.
They reported that the figure had led them from one spot to another for no apparent reason.
Those figures had led some economists to believe the pace of economic growth was slowing.
Another figure of the Phantom leads guests into an open grave.
But her toned figure has also led to questions about other procedures that she might have had.
But now it is time to do our sums: to balance the one against the other and see where such figures lead us.
The shrouded figure led the way and he felt the fear begin once more.
Yet he kept walking, pushing forward, following where the shrouded figure had led him.