Few literary figures have lived through more interesting, or more treacherous, times.
Apart from the three leaders who remained at large today, other leading figures are living in defector zones where it may be impossible to seize them.
It remains kind of amazing that this very well-known political figure can live an almost totally journalism-free existence.
Notable figures who were born in, lived in, or are otherwise associated with Gaffney.
The figure in black that had come from nowhere lived - and living, it uttered mirth that was inhuman.
No longer trapped, the figures live both inside and outside the boxes, leaving and re-entering at will.
This is where the figure for over half of children in poverty live with at least one working parent.
Many historical figures of great significance passed through or lived in Hakata, and many major events occurred there.
Several major literary, music, and artistic figures have lived or worked in the Culture Coast.
In 1673 the figure had risen again to some 700, and about 1,100 people lived in Marktheidenfeld by 1720.