These figures mark a decline from the average of twelve per month between October and February.
The 1997 figure marks a gain of 5 percent from the $387.3 billion spent in 1996.
The 1997 figure marks a gain of 7 percent from the $175.2 billion that was spent in 1996.
Did you know that this figure marks a ten percent rise from just five years ago?
The figure marked the biggest opening weekend in Stallone's career.
But the figures marked an improvement over February, when 26 percent reported a slowing of deliveries.
The 1998 figure marks an increase of 4.9 percent from the $397.5 billion spent in 1997.
The 1991 figure also marked a decline of 42.7 percent from the record number of name changes, 1,864, in 1988.
The figure marked a 10-year high, according to one board official.
These figures would mark the political history of Portugal later in the nineteenth century.