The most recent figures placed the trade gap at $15.7 billion in August.
That final figure will probably place it among the week's top five or six shows.
And you see the figure placed just below it?
Both figures placed the Lions 20th in the 28-team league.
This tragic figure places them at risk for cholesterol, diabetes, higher blood pressure, and other health issues which are directly or indirectly related to obesity.
These modest figures, with 59 as his best score, placed Townsend fourth in the county's averages.
Current figures place the date of this settlement as beginning up to 50,000 years ago.
The 1999 figure placed the agency 24th among the top 50 interactive agencies ranked by the supplement.
In deciding that a political figure would place country above his own ambition, Madison had merely been optimistic.
A more realistic figure would place the population of the town on the eve of the siege, including refugees and fighting men, at 7,000 people.