Thus, as it appeared, all the figures under the heading Boys relate to girls, and vice versa.
The figures are all relating to the celebration of mass.
The slightly lower figure may relate to the more discursive nature of the subject.
These figures can only relate to part time fee paid judges who do a few days a year on top of their normal job.
Although the figures relate to 1991, she did add that things are unlikely to have changed much this year.
These figures relate to individual deliveries rather than average speeds.
That figure relates to the sale of the company's trade magazine division to a management group.
The figures relate to master's courses and are general guidelines only.
It should be realised that these figures relate to 27 European countries, and not just 25.
On the other hand, figures relating to education present the outlook of a comfortable settlement in this regard, with 13 students for each teacher.