The trumpet sounded again, and all the purple-clad figures surged forward.
If that figure surges to 90 percent, diplomats in Seoul will process just 200,000 visas a year, down from 500,000, the executives said.
Isabel gave a cry as a figure surged through the window.
By 1980, that figure had surged to 14.1 million.
With the command, the bearded figures surge from the hedges toward the line of riders.
As black-suited figures surged around him, he crouched over the girl and protected her.
In April, that figure surged to 0.07 percent.
But another pair of arms hung like grim Fate to his legs, and figures surged in on him from the darkness.
He reached the outer steps; then dropped suddenly as a broad figure surged toward him.
By 1996, the figure had surged to 22 percent, and analysts say it has continued to rise.