Just make sure you don't have too much soft drink, as the only filmic quality the toilets possess is their likeness to a certain scene in Trainspotting.
He also recognized the novel's filmic qualities: "If Hollywood does not mar and mishandle it, it should make a magnificent movie."
Drawing on a huge spectrum of influences, every D*Note tune is doing something fresh, with a filmic quality that must make even Massive Attack blush.
It quickly sold out, and its filmic qualities led to his experiments with, and parallel career in, cinema.
Martin's work has a filmic quality to it.
There is also a filmic quality to all three pieces, which unfold in brief episodes on a dark stage.
Although interactive movies had a filmic quality that sprite-based games could not duplicate at the time, they were a niche market- the lack of direct interactivity put off many gamers.
Some dull and some fantastic, the worn buildings and even the refurbished ones have a mysterious, filmic quality.
To note the filmic quality of these pictures is perhaps to state the obvious, for most young realist artists these days paint from projected slide images of photographs, usually omitting niggling details and complexities of light and tone.
The Almeida production was described in one review as 'fluent and seductive', with a 'filmic quality', with the multiple set changes well-handled.