After viewing them, HBO decided to bring postproduction to New York city, where Geof Bartz finished editing.
Working without deadlines, the film's upcoming premier at Cannes nonetheless put some pressure on Wong to finish editing.
As they finished editing, Howard offered to write a letter to the parole board, although Lerner declined.
By the time I finished editing ":/Run," it was late October and New York was a changed city.
In his latest film, "Huevos de Oro," which he has just finished editing, he even vetoed having an unsavory character wear a crucifix to avoid giving offense.
Mr. Leader's French partners strongly urged him to finish editing, then wait to enter the film in the Cannes Film Festival the following spring.
Rosen had finished editing and was looking over a printout of his file.
"There was too much of a preservation issue" to finish editing and digitizing the whole thing, Mr. Hannigan said.
"He's the godfather of the project," Mr. Stone said in a telephone interview from Paris, where he was working feverishly to finish editing.
After the player is finished editing, a newly evolved generation of creatures will appear with the new parts and form.