Efforts have been made in India to test shark liver and sardine oil and fish offal to find an alternative for dolphin products.
These hooks I baited with fish offal, leaving them to float just under the water.
Herring gulls are champion opportunists, feeding on anything from discarded fish offal,...
However, people feed them a mixture of fish offal, horse meat, tripe, and condemned pork and beef.
Services eventually ceased in September 1973 at which time two vans of fish offal to be used as pet food were dispatched nightly.
To this day, the odor of fish offal made him nostalgic.
The use of fish offal in Cantonese cuisine is not limited to the maw.
Not dried fish offal and condemned meat, then?
They emptied the contents, rotting fish offal and seawater, onto the heads of the prisoners.
Villagers began pouring barrels of fish offal and seawater into the cellar.