Upon her arrival, she had to pass a fitness exam.
Most do so by taking advantage of different kinds of deferments, including one for going to college, or by failing the physical fitness exam.
The general is also to undergo mental fitness exams.
A compulsory fitness exam, NAPFA, is conducted in every school once every year to assess the physical fitness of the pupils.
The decline, documented by annual fitness exams given to most of the city's kindergarten through eighth-grade students, was the biggest reported by any large city.
To improve the officiating at the 2006 World Cup, referees have been given rigorous fitness exams and have been paired with assistants from the same country or region, which would theoretically help with communication.
The department is the first in New York - maybe anywhere - to institute a voluntary fitness program that awards participants with merit bars (pinned on uniforms) based on how they do on fitness exams.
To be hired by police departments, candidates must pass physical fitness exams.
Cadets must pass a physical fitness exam as well as a reading and writing exam.
Academy admissions offices evaluate each candidate's high school record, class rank, standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, fitness exam and moral character before making their selections.