Suddenly, in one fluid movement, the body rose to a sitting position.
In one fluid movement she rose and slid her arms around him.
Then with one fluid movement he drew himself up and rolled over the side.
He rose in a single fluid movement and laid his hands on my basket.
In a quiet fluid movement, the body came around to the front of the booth and opened the door.
She watched him rise to his feet in a single fluid movement.
She got off his lap in one fluid movement, her eyes almost black.
You are not needed," and closed the door, all in one fluid movement.
Jon looked up, saw them, and fired in a single fluid movement.
In one fluid movement, he dropped the box and rose to his feet.
The player maneuvers around his/her side of the court in any of the 8 cardinal directions (allowing for almost fluid movement in any direction).
McGregor's choreography is characterised by dynamic, sharp, often fragmented and often sinuously fluid movement.
Though the tiger at speed possesses the most fluid movement of all the big predators, when it ambles along it is almost ungainly.
Advancing closer in an identically fluid movement, Walker landed a slashing blow with his cupped hand on Parnell's wrist.
He has good carriage of his head and neck, a very fluid movement, a good disposition.
He was gone in one of those fluid movements that was swift enough to make Killashandra wonder if Lanzecki had actually made his visit.
Director Fejos designed the camera crane specifically for use on this movie, allowing unusually fluid movement and access to nearly every conceivable angle.
The sculpture's complex composition yet fluid movement is an excellent example of how Wein could manipulate shape and form into three dimensional magic.
Research and innovation for Europe could also benefit greatly from the more fluid movement of a trained workforce.
"It's sort of like Tae-kwon-do with fewer kicks and more fluid movements, a lot of hand work."