The window was wide open and the curtain was fluttering lightly in the breeze.
Every step sent her higher and higher into the air, so that she resembled a big butterfly fluttering lightly.
The awning fluttered lightly in a breeze that died almost immediately.
It was wings again, fluttering lightly against her cheeks.
But something fluttered lightly down through the air, and caught on the branch of a tree.
The necktie spreads its ends upwards as if it is fluttering lightly in the wind.
His fingers fluttered lightly over the man's belly.
A forewarning of disaster fluttered lightly in his chest, Go!
It fluttered lightly over the railing, and, buoyed up by the air, settled slowly toward the lists.
Above, a bright yellow butterfly with a 30-foot wingspan fluttered lightly.