At least two versions of the joke exist in American folk humor, Mr. Draitser said.
True, the country figured in a few crude ditties, but they reflect more the offbeat surrealism of folk humor than anything else.
While the authors intended "Mule Bone" to be funny, this production confuses corny affability with folk humor.
The Encyclopedia of American Folklore discusses it under folk humor and, confirmed by numerous references in popular cultures, describes it as a "popular American prank".
Meanwhile racial prejudice is apparent in folk humor, beauty contests, media portrayals, and political leadership.
The core of this folk humor is probably the strongly egalitarian sense that permeates the cultural code in the Nordic countries.
Karagoz Theater is Turkish folk humor at its best.
There are many instances of folk humor in this section alone.
It was a paradox of mnem, the subject of much folk humor, that it made people forget its chief drawback while it sharpened their memories enormously.
One particularly regretted the "March of the Dwarfs" in which music specifying moderate speeds was accelerated from grotesque folk humor into the glitz of show business.