Mr. Cheney, who in speeches last month forcefully challenged critics of the war, was not as blunt on Tuesday.
If she forcefully challenged Presley on her suspicions he would threaten to send her home to her parents.
In an interview in Denver last week, he forcefully challenged the notion that Boston and Massachusetts are politically different from the rest of the United States.
Nigerian diplomacy, strengthened by the nation's emergence as a leading oil producer, forcefully challenged the United States and Britain over issues like apartheid and support for guerrillas in Angola.
Majority Leader Mike Mansfield privately opposed Johnson's escalation of the war, but never forcefully challenged it on the Senate floor.
A few minutes later, Mr. Biden forcefully challenged Mr. Edwards, saying: Where were you the six years you were in the Senate?
Stump forcefully challenged the Court of Appeals, claiming it did not have the authority to make such an order.
You come to this conclusion because I forcefully challenged Jesse Jackson's positions on Israel.
During the debate the Saturday before the vote, Clinton forcefully challenged the idea that her opponents were messengers of that incessant mantra "change."
Congress also claimed lands in the west still occupied by the British and Spaniards, but could not forcefully challenge those nations for control of the land.