She has kept France in suspense for weeks, neither personally confirming she was pregnant, nor forcefully denying it.
Mr. Daniels forcefully denied the accusation yesterday, as he had previously, and he vowed not to step down.
Companies forcefully deny any discrimination.
"And he forcefully denied having dated or asked her out."
Indeed, Ms. Lewinsky herself has repeatedly and forcefully denied that anyone ever asked her to lie.
Hogan forcefully denied that there was anything improper about such contact.
Mr. Manning forcefully denied the claims in both suits.
Mrs. Clinton forcefully denied the allegations on January 27, 1998, one day after the President's public denial.
But friends and aides forcefully denied that Mrs. Clinton's relocation meant that the marriage was somehow in peril.
At the same time, President Bush forcefully denied accusations that he had ignored the severity of the threat from Al Qaeda.